Tuesday, May 24, 2016

Chapter 5 Corrupt Berry Reynolds

Anything written in RED is my own commentary on the narrative!

Affidavit Case Number 13-03002


On September I, 2013 the White County Sheriff s Office investigated the report of a shooting that occurred in a field near Quattlebaum Road. Deputies arrived on scene and found Justin Yandell with a gun shot wound to the leg. Deputies assisted him to the ambulance for medical treatment and he was transported to the hospital. Deputies then identified all parties who where involved and obtained written statements concerning the incident.

Adam Doty identified himself as the shooter at the scene. He was advised of his rights and he signed and stated that he understood them. He then provided a written statement of his involvement in the incident and stated that after a brief altercation he retrieved his father's pistol and shot Justin Yandell in the leg.

Throughout the course of the investigation a third party witness was located. Mr. Berry Reynolds provided information that he witnessed the ntire incident. He provided a written statement concerning the incident and told me that when Justin Yandell was shot he had his hands in the air and was backing away.

The above paragraph is a total and undeniable fabrication committed by Jeff Williams of the White County Sheriffs office and one of his paid Informants Berry Reynolds, according to Jeff Williams he never heard about Berry Reynolds Until the 4th of September and was informed of this by Josh Yandell the brother of Justin Yandell the guy who had been shot,
Now think about that! 4 days after the crime you get a call from Josh Yandell the brother of Justin Yandell the guy who had been shot who says this guy seen it all go down, that very night of the incident Berry Reynolds told my family how much he hated the Yandells and what low life’s they were and that Josh Yandell had actually had a shootout with Berry Reynolds own nephew a couple of weeks prior to this incident! 

 An Incident report was filed with the White County Sheriffs office, as you will clearly see by the dates and times of his written statement everything was either a bold faced lie made up between the Yandells and or a total Fabrication by Jeff Williams whom I had pissed off on September 19th, The day all the facts changed 

Quick Point and something to keep in mind while you read the rest of this. From the time that Justin Yandell was visible to Adam and I until the time he was shot and on the ground was less than 15 seconds!

Here is the first fact, Berry Reynolds Porch from where he originally stated he was watching us hunt from with his binoculars is 745 feet from the site of the altercation, the site of the altercation is clearly not visible from his front porch, he then claimed to be 100 or so feet down the road from his house with his binoculars, to be able to see down the highline wire which was still not visible to the site of the altercation, he then states that he sees Justin Yandell walk through the trees and so he ran down there to get a better look, at this point he claimed he was 75 feet away from us looking through his binoculars and seen it all go down, so let’s do the math here, his porch is 745 feet away from where he eventually seen it all happen so he goes another 100 feet before he can even see Justin Yandell appear between the trees which would have been about the same time Adam and I would have seen him, he then ran across an open field over 600 feet to where he claimed to have been standing and watching us with his binoculars at 75 feet away,

So let’s just say for whatever reason and really what was the reason that Berry Reynolds would have been watching us like he said he was seriously why would he be inclined to do that?

Never the less, he claimed to have run over 600 feet in under 15 seconds and witnessed the entire incident with his binoculars only 75 feet away, If you own a pair of binoculars I want you to get them out right now step off 75 feet and see what you can see with a pair of binoculars, The answer is almost Nothing the field of vision is quite narrow you would be a lot better off without binoculars than with, just another reason why this is a made up story to anyone who doesn’t know they would think a person could see so much better than without, prove it to yourself,

 If Berry Reynolds was standing where he said he was we would have easily seen him, If Berry Reynolds was there and witnessed this entire incident why didn’t he tell the police that arrived that evening, instead of what he told my family? I am now going to post Berry Reynolds Criminal History and you tell me if this is a guy you would trust. I would also like to add That Jeff Williams never ran his Criminal History until September 20th The day after I pissed him off!

He also provided information that when Josh Yandell and Jerry Yandell came to help Justin that George Doty and the other two hunters held them at gun point and threatened to shoot them.

I therefore request that a warrant  of arrest be issued for Adam F.Doty  (W/M,

for the offenses of Battery 2"d Degree, in violation  of
A.C.A. 5-13-202, a Class D Felony and Aggravated Assault, in violation of A.C.A. 5- 13-204, a Class D Felony





Statement of
Berry Reynolds

I Berry Reynolds do hereby make the following statement to Deputy Jeff Williams.

On September 1, 2013 I was watching some people hunting on the property next to me. I was watching through binoculars and I saw a young man walking up to the hunters.  I saw him take something out of his waistband and set it on the ground but I couldn't tell what it was. The only person out there I recognized was Skip Doty

Look at the pictures of where his house is and where he stated he was watching from, none of it makes any sense, because its all a lie. As Noted above it was in fact an absolute Impossibility for Berry Reynolds to ever see me, I never once went beyond the treeline! He says he is watching through Binoculars couldn't he have easily seen what he took out of his waist band and set on the ground? Justin Yandell never took anything out of his waste band and set it on the ground, Justin Yandell was disarmed of his pistol by Adam as he went to draw his weapon to kill me!

The young man walked up to them with his hands up but when he was talking to Skip and the younger guy in a blue shirt he put his hands down. Shortly after he put his hands the guy in the blue shirt hit the man in the head with the butt of his shotgun. After that the two men struggled for the shotgun. The young man that got shot ended up with the shotgun he had it in his left hand and his other hand was up in the air. He was backing up away from the other men when I heard the shot and seen him fall. I thought they had killed him. I saw the young man in the blue shirt had a pistol and then I heard the man yelling and I knew he was alive.

Justin Yandell had both hands on the weapon making it ready to shoot. This entire statement is a mixture of all the statements that the Yandell's made all nice and neat!

Next I saw Josh Yandell running down to check on his brother. When he ran up the Doty's group had there guns pointed at them and they stood over the Yandells. I could hear a lot of yelling and I could hear Skip Doty saying he would kill people and blow there heads off.

Think about this you just had to shoot a guy who was about to kill you, his brother knows you have shot him and he comes running down there, Two things can happen he is either coming armed or he is coming to help his brother, Josh Yandell had a gun in his Pocket, he was wearing Pajama pants it was plain to see. I stood with my shotgun at the ready the whole time in case he decided to pull it out, we've already gone through this once. the one time he reaches in his pocket you can bet your ass I pointed my shotgun at him until I knew it was just his phone, but I never took my eyes off him while we were trying to get out of there! Josh Yandell Never once went to the aid of his brother lying on the ground in our presence!

The next thing I saw was Jerry Yandell driving down to his son on a side by side ATV. Jerry Drove up to Skip and tried to take his shotgun. Then the young man in the blue shirt pointed that pistol in Jerry's face and told him he would blow his head off. Jerry drove out and left his son lying in the field

Jerry Yandell attempted to run Adam and I over with his side by side as he stated in his own statement, he then attacked me from the front while Josh attacked me from the rear trying to take my shotgun away from me, they were unsuccessful and Adam did pick up Justin Yandells Pistol and told them to get off of me! Jerry Yandell gets back on his side by side and leaves his son laying there in the field with people who just shot him and his brother is still there with people holding guns on them Does any of this make any sense?

I also saw the young man who was walking with the kid go pick up what the guy who got shot layed down and then they walked off. The one thing I know was that boy was not a threat to them and he did not deserve to be shot..

My Grandson left there running and screaming, he thought his papaw had been shot, his father was told to take him to the truck and call 911, No one was walking anywhere, He was hysterical AND I WILL NEVER FORGET IT. When someone pulls a gun on you and you are forced to shoot him in defense of your life it doesn't get to be anymore threatening in this life than that, he not only deserved to be shot he deserved to be killed so he wont ever do that again to anyone else, its just a matter of time. His brother Josh Yandell has been involved in two incidents where guns were drawn one in which shots were fired, all documentable!
Side Note we all agreed to leave our cell phones in the truck as this was a family outing and we were not going to be bothered by cell phones.

This is a truthful statement as given by me to Detective Jeff Williams .

This entire Statement is a collaboration of all the statements made by the Yandells as you will see, as I will post everyone's statements that were involved and also the 911 tapes, one of which was withheld by Jeff Williams or Chris Raff the prosecutor to destroy my credibility in court, causing me to look like I lied when I stated to the court what I had said on the 911 call and the Prosecutor Chris Raff jumps up and says that's not what you said on the 911 call and I replied yes sir it is, come to find out that tape was never played and was never given to our lawyer in the motion of discovery, I got it from 911  office 7 months after the trial.

S: Berry Reynolds 9/3/2013




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