Sunday, May 29, 2016

Chapter 8 The Corrupt Paul Petty

I am going to start out here posting all the Information the I had gathered, Pictures, lists of questions for each witness that would testify for the Prosecution, research I had done and gave to Paul Petty aka Denny Paul Petty, if he had used any of this information to discredit these witnesses I not only believe my son would not be in Prison right now but I believe the Judge may have told the White County Sheriff’s Office and the prosecution to charge Justin Yandell, with multiple crimes.


You have read the written statements and the crimes committed by the Yandell Family against us and admitted to doing these crimes in there statements, Even Berry Reynolds admitted several crimes in what he told Jeff Williams, Berry Reynolds statement according to Jeff Williams was the reason that charges were filed, on the day of Court The Prosecutions KEY Witness is a no show, but Jeff Williams is allowed to say in court That Berry Reynolds statement corroborated the states case of His version of what happened, said it in open court before the Judge, at that very Moment there should have been a mistrial.


Paul Petty should have asked for a mistrial right then and there, This was a huge thing, the prosecution is allowed to state that they had an eye witness that seen it all and it jived with their story, yet there was no opportunity for the defense to question and discredit this man’s Testimony, Paul Petty did not even Object to the statement.


Paul Petty Failed in every way to defend his client, Paul Petty Lied to me and my son about everything he was going to do to discredit all parties against us, and it is all prove able if you read the court transcript, once you see all the Information I gave him to use in our defense, none of which he used, He could have easily won this case just strictly based on the evidence I gave him, that showed it an impossibility for pellets from our shotguns to hit the Yandells Property, to it being an impossibility for the states KEY witness Berry Reynolds to have been where he said he was!


Denny Paul Petty a Lawyer in Searcy Arkansas with many years of experience was paid Several Thousand dollars to defend my son. Paul Petty sat on his hands while the Prosecution withheld Evidence, withheld there Key Witness so he could not be cross examined, withheld a 911 tape that was used to destroy my credibility, he talked a great talk right up until time to go to trial, then he asked Adam to come to his office without me and he somehow convinced him to do a bench trial, saying it would be easier to convince one person than twelve. Think about that for a second, let it soak in and then pay very close attention to what I am about to say that may someday help you in case your lawyer tries to talk you into a bench trial by Judge!


If you are charged with a crime, it is your Constitutional right to be tried by a jury of your peers, all 12 on the Jury must agree beyond a reasonable doubt that you have committed such crime for you to be convicted, you are Innocent until you are PROVEN GUILTY and it has to be a unanimous decision, In a Bench trial only one person has to believe you are guilty, only one person whom this Lawyer works with every day, Only one person whom this prosecution works with everyday. I submit to you that it is my belief that this deal was done before we ever went to court, it was a deal made by multiple corrupt people! There lively hood depends on putting people in jail and making deals.


We were offered a deal. Give the Yandells our land and the prosecution would drop the charges!  


Sounds more like extortion to me than a deal!


In a jury Trial you only have to convince one person that you are not guilty, it only takes one who believes that you are innocent beyond a reasonable doubt, you don’t have to convince 12, to do anything less than a jury trial is putting yourself in more danger and corruption than you will ever know, and in this case doing it in Corrupt White County Arkansas, Only a fool of a lawyer would ask you to do this unless of course he is one of the corrupt justice system, Ill scratch your back this time you get mine the next, guilt or innocence doesn’t matter, it’s all a big game, a game they play where they know if anyone says anything about the corruption they can mark it off as sour grapes, they take no responsibility, there oath to uphold the Constitution means absolutely nothing to them.


They prey on the weak, they try to intimidate and cause fear that if you say anything they will get you, they will make your life hell or perhaps just kill you and be done with it. What I am doing here is exposing the Character of all these people and I know it will upset them, I don’t care about their feelings, I care about Justice, I care about the Constitution and Honor. People who put evil and money and greed ahead of their duty to Honor the oath that they took, let them be damned, expose them for who they are based on factual documentable proof, That is what I am doing here!



I waited until the final appeal on this case has been filed in order to not upset the apple cart and to keep the system in White County Arkansas from circling their wagons against me, My son has been Imprisoned for a little over a year now and I don’t mind telling you I don’t have a lot of faith in this being overturned, I should have that faith because our new Lawyer is the real deal and has done a great Job, if you would like to read this final appeal I will post a link to it, we took Paul Petty to court for inefficient counsel before the Same Judge, This case should have never been heard by the Judge who had resided over the original trial, we of course lost that and that is what this appeal is about, I will tell you about the 2 other appeals later.



Actually I will go ahead and tell you now about the first two appeals.

 The first appeal wasn’t even heard, the reason it wasn’t heard is because Paul Petty did not ask for a dismissal at the end of the trial, a fact any Lawyer would know has to be done, he never did it, so it was never heard, The failure of this one task is part of why this whole deal stinks to high Heaven!

It’s what is done in every single trial and what must be done in order for any appeal to be heard, so in reality Adam didn’t get his appeal because Paul Petty didn’t do his job, ineffectual assistance of counsel!


The second Appeal was when I found out there was a missing 911 tape that was not given to us in discovery and Paul Petty wouldn’t play the tapes for us or give them to us, I was the only one who would ever know this tape existed and a huge reason that my testimony was impeached at trial, the tapes was what their entire case was built on. The Appeal was for Error Corum Nobis withholding of  evidence in a trial, which is a Brady violation and grounds for throwing out the trial and getting a new one, problem is you have to state why this new evidence would have changed the results of the trial, Paul Petty in his written word to the supreme court said that this new tape was valuable because the prosecution’s case said we didn’t try to call 911  And get help.

As a Matter of fact this tape had nothing to do with us trying to call 911, we had already talked TO 911 TWICE BEFORE THIS TAPE, This was actually a call from 911 to us, they wanted to know our location, and I told her and I also told her what had happened, what this tape was, me talking to 911 well after the event telling the 911 operator what happened, I stated all this at trial and the Prosecutor Chris Raff jumped up and said you didn’t say that on any 911 tapes and I replied yes sir I did, he replied we just played all the 911 tapes and that wasn’t on there, the judge had just listened to the tapes as a matter of fact everything I just said seemed to be a lie because they withheld that tape and it impeached my credibility.

On the grounds that he submitted the Error Corum Nobis , since it was for the absolute wrong reason it got thrown out as well but two of the supreme court justices still agreed that Adam should get a new trial!



Denny Paul Petty Failed us in every possible way and I am going to show you how really bad of a job he really factually did, I’ll let you decide if you would like for him to represent you or your family as he did mine!!

joy distance1.jpg

All These photos and the following documents were given to Paul Petty, to help prove that the Testimonies they were all giving were lies, This first photo shows the distances from where we were hunting to the Yandell Property where they claimed our shot was hitting all around them while there kids played in the yard there is a hill and trees between us we were in the valley of the property where the water flowed into the pond.
The next Picture shows the distance to their Key Witness house and how far he would have had to go to see the entire incident which took all of 15 seconds until Justin Yandell was shot and laying on the ground, another impossibility for him to be able to get where he said he was in time.

This next picture is of Berry Reynolds where he said he was standing when he first seen Justin Yandell come through the gap in the trees and  was provided by WCSO





These next four pictures were given to us by the prosecution!

 The picture above it should be noted the date and also the X which was where they said it happened, it actually happened lower back toward the pond but even where it is, Berry Reynolds could have never seen what he claimed. This is one picture which also tells me that I believe all of this info was after I pissed off Jeff Williams on the 19th of September!

Where you see the people standing was approximately the location the altercation occurred except for the fact that are chairs were actually back against the tree line, we were dove hunting trying to be somewhat concealed, the thing to look at here though is the road/cow path, this is where Jerry Yandell drove through and tried to run us over as he admitted in his statement, I person would think he would have run over Berry Reynolds or at the very minimum seen him standing right there!

  In this picture the road/cow path is a bit more visible and that guy standing on the right is Berry Reynolds, claiming this is where he was standing when this all happened, he also asked the detective Jeff Williams if he was trespassing on Quattlebaum property would he get in trouble.

French Ballistics expert General Journee, worked out a formula that the maximum range in yards equals 2200 times the size of the shot diameter in inches, the maximum distance for #8 dove loads we were using is 198 yards, from where we were shooting it was over 800 feet to there house, around 270 yards, that's 216 feet beyond the maximum range of our shot!

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